Microsoft Windows 8 AIO 16 in 1 FINAL Build x86+x64 [Permanent Activation] untouched and Original Version and after update it will become GDR. Windows 8 Enterprise is ready for business - delivering the power and familiarity you want, along with new ways for people to interact with line of business apps, and support for more mobile devices. Windows 8 Enterprise is available to SoftwareAssurance customers via the Volume License Service Center (VLSC), allowing you to test, pilot and begin adopting Windows 8 Enterprise within your organization. For those customers who are interested in trying out the key features in Windows 8 Enterprise, you can also obtain Windows 8 Enterprise through your TechNet Professional Subscription or MSDNSubscription.
Windows 8 Enterprise features include all the capabilities that customers get with Windows 8 Pro* plus premium features designed to provide the mobile productivity, security, manageability and virtualization needs of today’s businesses.

::Version's Included::
This is Windows 8 Final (Build 9200) 

x86 (32-bit)
Windows 8 x86
Windows 8 N x86
Windows 8 Pro x86
Windows 8 Pro VL x86
Windows 8 Pro N x86
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x86
Windows 8 Enterprise x86
Windows 8 Enterprise N x86

x64 (64-bit)
Windows 8 x64
Windows 8 N x64
Windows 8 Pro x64
Windows 8 Pro VL x64
Windows 8 Pro N x64
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x64
Windows 8 Enterprise x64
Windows 8 Enterprise N x64

Processor: 1.0 Ghz
Ram: 1 GB
Hard Disk: 16GB
Graphics: DirectX 9 graphics device  


How To Activate Windows Permanently

1) Open the folder "Permanent Activator"

2) Right Click on "Windows 8 Permanent Activator [x264+64]" and select "Run as Adminstrator" and let it extract

3) Now click on WINDOWS 8 INSTALL/UNINSTALL which will start the activation process in Windows CMD

4) CMD will ask to confirm the activation, then type Y and hit ENTER to start Activating.

5) Activation process may take couple of minutes.And also your PC will restart once activation is finished.

6) After activation is done and your PC restarts you will get a prompt saying Windows is ativated and other details.

Note : Windows 8 has special improvents as well as security.
Therefore, untill it is not activated, you wont be able to do any personalization to your pc.
This activator must activate your windows Permanently and enable Personlization settings. If it fails to Enable Personlization Settings, Please follow the below instructions [Please remember not to do the below settings if your personalization settings are enabled.]

How to Enable Personalization Setting. (First Activate Windows from above precedure)
These instructions are "ONLY AND ONLY" for those who are not able to access the personlization settings after Activating Windows Permanently.

1) Open the folder "Permanent Activator"

2) Right Click on "Personalisation FIX" and select "Run as Adminstrator" and let it extract

3) Windows CMD will automatically Run fix and restart your PC

4) After restart, you should be able to Access Personlization settings.

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